Consulting Approach

Consulting Image

Financial institutions today are facing an almost ever accelarating pace of change. Over the last five years, fundamental questions were asked and only in some cases answered. These questions are changing the financial industry, its rules, its responsiblities and its commercial drivers.

Consulting according to Mylette is: How can we help? We do not have commercial templates, predescribed activities or predefined roles. We are here, experienced and curious to see how our knowledge and resources can help you develop your business.

Mylette's consultancy ranges from strategic collaboration and - mediation to implementation advice and process redesign. In all these capacities we have people that have done the job before and earned the right to call themself consultant in their specific areas of expertise.

We actively maintain and update our knowledge and understanding of the financial industry in the company and allocate considerable resources to that. We are in the business for over 10 years as a company and over 20 years individually on the part of our senior consultants.