Enterprise Portal Technology

Mylette's team has been developing and deploying its front-end technology in accordance with leading Enterprise Portal standards since 2002. The decision to integrate is based on the strong benefits that portal technology brings to organizations that offer web-based services and - information to distinct different groups of users.

Not only distinct different user groups can be a good reason to deploy Portal Technology, uniting multiple web applications under one visual design, sign-on and page management tool is another. As standards (JSR 168/268 and WSRP 1.0 and 2.0) are usually subject to interpretation - we test our development results against the following Enterprise Portals:

Liferay Logo Liferay Enterprise Portal: This open source portal is backed by a solid installed base and active developers and implementation / support community. It is the leading solution for functional enterprise portals for diverse audiences / user groups today.

IBM WPS Logo IBM Websphere Portal Server: Leading Enterprise Portal proposition since 2000. Virgil first integrated its front-end in version 3.0 in what was documented to be the first IBM WPS implementation for the public domain in 2002. Strong in integration and usability potential - not low on cost of ownership.

JBoss Logo This open source portal is embedded in a leading open source server technology suite. Virgil integrates with this portal mainly to support solutions where application integration is key. It can be packaged as part of our solution very effectively to a low maintenance solution. Integration with other JSR compliant portals should be possible and is usually documented.

This feature documents the basics of what an Enterprise Portal is, what requirements it covers and how Mylette has integrated with portal technology to be able to help our clients getting the best out of web distribution:

Please request the white paper by filling out the contact form, or call us and read about:

  • What is an Enterprise Portal
  • Why deploy an Enterprise Portal
  • Mylette's engines integrated