Mylette offers fully functional portals for financial services, supported as a product. This offering lowers initial investment and cost of ownership of financial portals substantially, making it accessible to smaller banks and other financial services providers.

Portal Functions

Portal technology opens a realm of possibilities to set up interactive, profiled services and include stakeholders in the process. The underlying technology is open, well-documented and widely used - your client-facing solution can grow by adding client retention functions and integrating account management functions.

Browser-based Market Monitor

Our solutions enable a fully client-tailored market data monitor and deal capture service. Embedded in a portal, page lay-out and data inside the data monitors are personalizable by each user.


Unlike comparable solutions, there is no need for client-side installations. The solution is fully web-based and secured, enhancing the accessibility and lowering the cost of ownership.

Interactive Services

A client portal can be so much more than an online function for trading: sharing documents, workflow-based services processes, account management functions; all from one platform.

Thinking Out of the Box

A serviced group of customers becomes a serviced community. Communities create value by sharing thoughts, ratings and comments on content and services, helping you improve and respond to change.